The rush that you feel after your crush finally said Yes ? Yeah, not down to the girl itself...

long time crush :)

    You see when you get a girl after chasing her for 10 years. You feel as if you've been victorious and you feel if you didn't have got that girl you would have felt like a failure which is kinda true, also now that you've got that girl you feel victorious and you feel that it's because of the girl which is so not true. Substitute that girl with any other aim or goal; if you achieve it, it's gonna feel good because that's how delayed gratification works. The high and the confidence it oozes is long-lasting as it was not created in a day. So the sense of victory that you feel is not for the fact that you got the girl but it's the massive respect that you've just created in your own eyes for yourself which is so great, cause self-respect comes even before loving others, and you've done yourselves a great favor by chasing a delaying gratification thing.

    So to sum it all that confidence that you feel as if you've won a great war, and not a small battle comes from the delayed gratification mechanism and you also appreciate what you get so much better as opposed to if you got her just like that, now not to generalize everybody with this but that is the trend with delayed gratification vs instant gratification as it bleeds into other aspects of your life, where most of them function on delayed gratification.

    And what if you don't end up getting her, well it would hurt for sure, but in the end, it's the efforts that show and you have surely held yourself up in that regard, you just need to look beyond the outcomes of the events which are very subjective, that could go either way even after your best efforts.

    If at all there's a topic you want me to touch upon, drop it in the comments below. I would love to present my views on them. Thanks, take care and bye for now, and know there's always more than one... view on a topic dude, not girls(only as much as you personally decide). haha... :)

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